The past catches up with us all. A brutal murder in Oslo with ties to 19th century England raises the question: Could Jack the Ripper have timeigrated to the present? Lars (Nicolai Cleve Broch) and Alfhildr (Krista Kosonen) soon realize that if they are to capture this killer, they can only trust each other. Beforeigners season 2 premieres December 5 on HBO Max.
4.0 匿名愛情互助會
4.0 愛你的基蒂第二季
2.0 人生切割術第二季
2.0 灰色秩序
1.0 阿爾法男第三季
4.0 探長薇拉第十四季
2025 歐美簡介: Legendary film, theatre and television actress, Brenda Blethyn OBE, is to return to the iconic role of Vera for one, final series. The Academy and Emmy nominated actress has confirmed she has decided to hang up DCI Vera Stanhope’s infamous trench coat and hat following the filming of series 14 this summer, which she’ll film alongside the cast, crew and production team she values as friends in her beloved Northumberland and North East.