霧港市經偵大隊隊長鄭義(王千源 飾)在調查一宗涉及數百億的股票詐騙案中,發現韓東川(馮紹峰 飾)以“Dr.Han”的名義,與好兄弟成立“大金牛投顧機構”,利用直播誘導投資,做局詐騙。一場與時間賽跑的激烈較量,在警方反詐精英與“犯罪天才”之間展開。而隨著調查深入,真相卻愈加撲朔迷離。韓東川有何隱情?幕後黑手究竟是誰?重重迷局如何破解?在充滿欲望的金錢堡壘之中,一切懸念將被解開……
9.0 隔壁的護士助理 特別篇 2025
4.0 女王們2024
2024 劇情簡介: Everything happens very fast in Lima in the summer of 1992. In the midst of Peru’s social and political chaos, Lucia, Aurora and their mother Elena are preparing to emigrate to the USA. They are apprehensive about saying goodbye to their country, family and friends, but above all to Carlos, the father and ex-husband who has all but disappeared from their lives. Facing the uncertainty of their future head on awakens contradictory feelings, reviving old regrets and generating new illusions. Frustrations and fears mix with excitement and expectation. Together, the family must confront the difficult truth about the losses that this departure implies. -
1.0 荊棘天堂
6.0 吞噬暗夜
4.0 歡迎來到超自然森林 劇場版
3.0 成為瑪麗亞