多克瑞克暗戀她哥哥的女朋友帕姆。一天,她的哥哥和帕姆分手了。改編自魔鬼普萊諾的小說(Chao Planoy (เจ้าปลาน้อย))《色多多在线观看视频:色多多在线观看视频的愛》(美國:รักของเรา) Dokrak has a secret crush on her brother's girlfriend, Pam. One day her brother and Pam break up. ~~ Adapted from the novel "Us: Our Love" (US : รักของเรา) by
9.0 心跳節拍
2024 泰國簡介: 當阿珀的任務是記錄男孩組合火星解散前的最後一場演唱會時,他無意中成為了領導者Thame最親密的知己。Thame即將在韓國首次亮相,將樂隊的其他成員拋在身後。 When Po is tasked with documenting boy group Mars' final concert before their disbandment, he inadvertently becomes the closest confidant of leader Thame. Thame's about to make his debut in South Korea, leaving the rest of the group behind. -
1.0 新版天真有邪
6.0 依蘭灰燼
10.0 詭計遊戲
1.0 冬日微暖
9.0 新版愛和罪孽的痕跡