高宇蓁飾演性工作者,為了實現夢想,被賣到國外從事性工作。電影除了是對性工作者這一社會邊緣群體的關注,也闡述女性議題。 黃冠智飾演高宇蓁的弟弟;段鈞豪、黃冠智飾演經常光顧茶室的警察;郭耀仁飾演茶室圍事、也是媽媽桑的姘頭;蔡嘉茵飾演媽媽桑。眾人將共同演繹大時代底下邊緣角落的小人物故事。
1.0 拿針的女孩
2.0 為愛狂亂
10.0 為奇跡做準備
2024 劇情簡介: A friendly androids travels back in time to our present day and observes its human customs. Its wanderings spark some delightful conversations with its fellow machines. In search of a king from whom to extract valuable data, its system runs up against repression. This lively story takes us on a political journey of reflection on the environment and technology. -
4.0 漂亮朋友2023
8.0 破浪男女
5.0 默殺2022