本片標誌著導演盧西奧·弗爾茲(Lucio Fulci)代表作的出現。幾名男孩在意大利南部一個鄉下小鎮被殺害,發瘋的吉普賽女人和變態的年輕女子都很可疑,嫌疑犯日益增多直至整個小鎮麵臨著自我毀滅,這一切正是誤人的宗教與迷信所致。片中駭人的暴力場景在於,當村裏幾名男村民要吉普賽女人為他們的孩子負責,決定親手將她繩之以法的時候,場麵可想而知的殘忍。
1.0 感應2024
9.0 海底潛伏
1.0 鬼婦2:村莊
7.0 吉隆貢
6.0 吉隆貢2
2018 恐怖簡介: As the youngest child who has never known her mother, Tasya (Gabriella Quinlynn) feels lonely. Unintentionally she watched an old videotape owned by his father, Ferdi (Lukman Sardi), who had communicated with her mother's deceased spirit using Jailangkung. Tasya assembles her own Jailangkung and plays it in hopes of communicating with her deceased mother. This incident apparently raised various problems, including a catastrophic spirit. Bella (Amanda Rawles) and Rama (Jefri Nichol) join their new partner, Bram (Naufal Samudra), on an adventure to the bottom of the sea to defeat the demon incarnation that rules Angel (Hannah Al Rasyid) and takes Tasya to the occult. -
6.0 死亡撲克