"Godfather of the kung-fu film" Chang Cheh even wrote the song lyrics for this special crime thriller. David Chiang stars as a nightclub vocalist whose former criminal friends blackmail him into working with them again. In addition to such exceptional stalwarts as Ti Lung and Ku Feng, the rest of the cast includes such action actors as Chen Hsing, (The Invincible Fist) and Stan...
9.0 故都春夢
5.0 單程路
1.0 雙喜臨門
2.0 血證
1973 邵氏電影簡介:方誌堅(嶽華)是一名汽修工,為人正直。某天晚上在下班回家路上目睹一宗凶殺案, 凶手為黑幫分子謝大成(詹森), 混亂之間凶手逃之夭夭。隨後方在警局孫警官(劉丹)的請求下協助指認出謝大成為殺人凶手。孫警官允諾在方出庭作證以前由警方保護其與他家人的人身安全。謝在負責的地下賭檔被警察逮捕,謝背後的老大想花錢買通方出庭的時候做偽證被其嚴詞拒絕,隨後派出手下不斷的騷擾、威脅、恐嚇其妻(劉午琪)和年幼的女兒,逼其就範。在開庭前夕,妻女終被綁架,方迫於無奈在庭上放棄指認謝,謝被判無罪當庭釋放。謝在出庭後在接他的車上,被其老大派的人殺人滅口,謝拚命逃脫不知所蹤。方出庭後在染布廠找到了妻女,不幸其妻已不幸溺亡。方悲痛萬分,誓要將惡人繩之以法。通過對其手下頭目的逼問,直接殺入證交所捉拿大老板。在把交易所經理誤認為大老板後,方被大老板手下槍手指住,此時謝突然出現救了方一命,... -
6.0 我為你狂
6.0 小煞星
1970 邵氏電影簡介:"Godfather of the kung-fu film" Chang Cheh even wrote the song lyrics for this special crime thriller. David Chiang stars as a nightclub vocalist whose former criminal friends blackmail him into working with them again. In addition to such exceptional stalwarts as Ti Lung and Ku Feng, the rest of the cast includes such action actors as Chen Hsing, (The Invincible Fist) and Stan...