1.0 校園怪靈第二季
5.0 天堂島疑雲第十四季
2025 歐美簡介: We're transported back to the tropical island of Saint Marie, and this time with a new Detective Inspector in place - but will DI Mervin Wilson remain in the job for long? Following the recently cracked case of ‘who shot the Santas?’, along with the revelation that his estranged mother has passed away, Mervin is ready to get back home and leave the island for good. But when a case close to the hearts of those at the station presents itself, is he tempted to extend his stay? As Mervin continues to ruffle feathers, the police team pull together to solve some of the island’s most confounding cases yet. -
2.0 六姊妹
6.0 色多多在线观看视频的愛情(泰劇)
2.0 華生
6.0 非常保鏢國語
1999 香港簡介: O記沙展天寶(林寶怡 飾)在酒吧重遇了當日殺死妻子刑滿釋放的道友強,忍不住將打得他重傷入院。隨後,城中富商紀中南(曾江 飾)的獨子彥祖(馬浚偉 飾)遭綁架,天寶在監視綁匪劉英勇的情婦石小玉時發現了他們收藏人質的地點,馬上前往營救人質。匪徒在收到了贖金後得知了天寶正在前往營救人質,於是企圖引爆炸彈將他和人質炸死,幸好天寶最後關頭救出了彥祖。紀中南十分感激天寶,兩人成了朋友。這日寶在差館再遇道友強,借落口供又打了他一頓,豈料因此而被逼自動辭職。 好友正傑(張兆輝 飾)邀請天寶加入自己的保安公司,但天寶覺得不合適拒絕了。隨後,天寶想自己做生意卻又處處碰壁。這天,紀中南想請保鏢,正傑知道天寶和他的關係,於是請天寶前往紀中南處為自己的公司作推薦。紀中南同意讓正傑的保安公司負責,但條件是要天寶親自負責安全工作。天寶無耐之下加入了正傑的保安公司,正式展開了他的保鏢生涯。